Monday, May 23, 2005


I heard on the news on the radio that some Sikhs are angry over a film being shown in India, that it is supposedly titled with a battlecry that is also a religious connotation of somesuch for them. It is sad to think that these Sikhs are so inclined to argue over a movie. Factioning and violence over a stupid movie. Sad. Art is making people want to kill other people. Its just art!

But unfortunately, there really are people out there who still are so close minded over such things as art and movies. Which brings me to the point of this little exercise in typing. My mother-in-law.

Its sad to think that someone with so much education and attention in her life could still be a bigot. How can you be a bigot when you are supposedly a professor of english? In these days to boot!I am a racist. Defined, a racist thinks low of other races compared to hers or his. Don't get me wrong because I used the R word. I'm more a supremacist you might say. I am a Kayumanggi Supremacist. I think Filipinos rock. Prove me wrong. Much like the white supremacists and Black Panthers out there. But i don't act it out by killing other
races, no, i am not a genocide-dist (Not yet, hehehehe.).

As i said, prove me wrong that we kayumanggis are not equal if not better than your race.Well enough of that for now, back to my point, my mother-in-law. I may say racist stuff, but you will not hear me seriously talk about the social disparity brought about by the inquities of wealth on this planet. I will not say the poor are worse because they are poor. But i will say the rich are pathetic because they are.The poor and downtrodden in this world get up everyday and fight for what little they can get from their menial jobs. The rich with all their resources still only manage to do so little in helping others. the poor take advantage of whatever they have and fly with it. The rich? Well, they stay rich.I am not generalizing here, but they, the rich, really can do so much more to help other people. I mean, what is wrong with them anyway? The poor insult the rich for their inactivity and inability to actually use what they have to effect change. The rich insult the poor because they are poor. in retrospect, when you think about it, the rich can eliminate all poverty in this world if they wanted to. But do they?

No, the rich like staying rich. Because they can, and not because they can make do with less.To boot, they like stating the obvious just to insult the great unwashed. Calling the poor, poor. Their defense, yeah, its the truth.

But this truth also exists: You insult human dignity, the one little thing that the poor have a lot of. And in some cases, the last thing that they do have. Taking that away by insulting them, degrades yourself too. So, why do the rich do it?The poor can be mean because they have to fight everyday for their very existence. The rich? They just feel like it.

That is why I hate my mother-in-law. Because she degrades all human society with but a few words of truth that she says to the poor she meets.The truth hurts. This sad truth, hurts us all.