Saturday, June 18, 2005

better left to the past ex boyfriend

that's me!

according to my unique ex-girlfriend anyway.

its annoying to actually only had one of everything in life. I mean
there are others out there who have had gazillions of exes or XSOs as
they're called. and here i am with a record of 1-1 for life. One
girlfriend, and the next one i married, which upgraded her to wife
instead of ex-girlfriend.

Well, actually she is my ex-girlfriend, because she is my wife now and
is no longer my girlfriend right? Semantics child, semantics.

So semantically my record is 2-1 two exes, one wife.

But anyway that's not the point. What is the right thing to do with
ex-boyfriends or ex girlfriends? aren't they really supposed to be in
the past? Isn't that why they are referred to as exes?

I'm confused. Are there reasons why exes are to be kept in your
present? Maybe if the break-up was actually a move to instigate a
moving into a deeper sense of relationship, okay, but the true exes,
those that are left behind so to say.

Don't they belong there? In the past, the pit of despair called young
adulthood or that charnal hole called teenage? Still, i think i never
kept her there. I always thought, we could be okay, friends-someday.
Or whatever you can call an ex transformed to a friend.

But I guess in a way I should be thankful that she put me there. That
in her world, I am nothing. There are some things that should not burn that bright, for they will leave a place too dark. Too dark. Even for the past.


I guess the single most important thing that one can get from these testimonials is the fact that people are grateful for your existence. Grateful enough to pour their heart out in virtual public. Here one can see, if friends do have time for you. And if these friends actually can say something good about you.

There are three kinds of testimonialists: those who make a personalized testimonial for everyone who asks for one, those who just put generic images made from characters, reminiscent of the days of BASICA, and then there are the those who just don't.The key here is that one must ask for a testimonial.

Many people don't ask for a testimonial and feel bad if they don't get one. I say ask and you shall receive, your friends can't read your mind. After you do ask, please, learn to wait. Good things take time to build. If you want crappy testimonials, well then do go ahead and keep badgering!

Obviously, the best testimonials are those made uniquely for you. Ones that took thought and contemplation, reflection and remembrance to make. Fond memories and silly moments shared are seen in these testimonials. They make you warm inside and feel loved.

Then there are the others: The generic and the copy paste. The worst: those who don't make testimonials. You cannot even take fifteen seconds to write: S/he is a good friend. Not that you will find that posted and hear the end of it, but at least you took the time. Or copy paste! The small amount of time it actually takes to copy paste is in itself already a small act of caring. Obviously not everyone has the gift of gab and those who do not will choose to do a copy paste than actually write.

I give out testimonials in friendster sparingly. Not because I don't want to give time to my friends, but instead I want each testimonial to be a beautiful public display of affection to this person. But those who did get their testimonials are speechless afterwards, not because I am a wordsmith of some skill, but because they were filled with love.

I love my friends. Once I call you a friend, know that I will give my life for you. Which is why when I do get around to make a testimonial to a friend, people will understand my love for this person, how much love and devotion I willingly give to this person. It may take awhile, but I make sure that it will be worth it.

Just like real friendships.

Monday, June 13, 2005


There are white supremacists, there are black supremacists. Their call: White/Black Power!

I think its about time that there be a Kayumanggi Supremacist. I call myself one and welcome others to be such also. Our call and our credo: Wala ka sa lolo ko!

For a long time, we filipinos have been put down. Five hundred years of slavery and colonial rule. How long have we been independent? But we survived, and here we are, a truly healhty democracy. A healthy thriving government where all can speak and all can say what they
want. Though others are sacrificed on the altar of truth for what they say, generally, truth is spoken and said.

Its about time we showed the rest of the world. Our ancestors are great! Greater than yours. We are a noble race, with magic in our blood. We are Bathala's children, the progeny of Poon. The land answers our call and the wind caresses us through our lives.

Know this pinoy. Bathala considers you perfect, for the white man was cooked too little and the black man cooked too much in our creation mythology, but we are all brothers under him.

Bathala na.

Dungeons and Dragons Again!

Once more I am playing my one single hobby. Dungeons and Dragons.
Well, i know, i know, its juvenile, but its the one thing that i
really find that i do so well and i consider it so much fun even
though i get all tired from it.

But if it were not this, then what? Wood working? Cleaning a yard?
Burning leaves? Having the horrible fortune of living in the city, I
no longer have that luxury, and so I am left with this. Playing a
child's game with other people who wish to touch their imaginations.

Its not so bad when you think about it, true, it seems geeky, but,
heck, I am a geek am I not? So I play, with my wife and our friends.

May all of the worlds of fantasy shake in the cleaning of our stress and angst.

Malla lueth elgg.

Turning 30

so finally thirty. hmmm...

i always thought that i would die by 56. my father, god bless his
resting soul died at 56.

after a life of happiness and friendship, my father passed away with
his dignity intact, unbowed.

someday, i wish to go that way too. no matter how bloodied i am.
