better left to the past ex boyfriend
that's me!
according to my unique ex-girlfriend anyway.
its annoying to actually only had one of everything in life. I mean
there are others out there who have had gazillions of exes or XSOs as
they're called. and here i am with a record of 1-1 for life. One
girlfriend, and the next one i married, which upgraded her to wife
instead of ex-girlfriend.
Well, actually she is my ex-girlfriend, because she is my wife now and
is no longer my girlfriend right? Semantics child, semantics.
So semantically my record is 2-1 two exes, one wife.
But anyway that's not the point. What is the right thing to do with
ex-boyfriends or ex girlfriends? aren't they really supposed to be in
the past? Isn't that why they are referred to as exes?
I'm confused. Are there reasons why exes are to be kept in your
present? Maybe if the break-up was actually a move to instigate a
moving into a deeper sense of relationship, okay, but the true exes,
those that are left behind so to say.
Don't they belong there? In the past, the pit of despair called young
adulthood or that charnal hole called teenage? Still, i think i never
kept her there. I always thought, we could be okay, friends-someday.
Or whatever you can call an ex transformed to a friend.
But I guess in a way I should be thankful that she put me there. That
in her world, I am nothing. There are some things that should not burn that bright, for they will leave a place too dark. Too dark. Even for the past.